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You're not out of the loop yet! Stay connected with the Neighbours and keep your community informed. Upload your local businesses, agencies, and much more.

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Form connections with the people within your neighbourhood and your local community

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Our safe and verified accounts allow neighbors to stay safe, communicate with peace of mind, informed and in touch with one another.

What is Neighbours?
Neighbours! ...One Love; One neighbour

Instantly connect to your neighbourhood

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For Community Connection on the Go

Safer Neighbourhoods

Safe and secure neighbourhood as it allows only verified neighbours

Real time alerts and notifications

Becomes easier to detect threats, avoid danger, and solve problems as it connects you with your entire community

Explore Nearby

Find the list of best nearby services and businesses around you


Experience Neighbourhood friendly ride to your desired destination

Get the Free App

Trusted by millions of neighbors.

Promotes your business

Promote your business and be recognized within your local market

Community Groups

Allows you to bring people together of similar interests from your local community

Apartments and latest communities information

Allows you to create safer and private view of bonding people who belong to your living space

Auctions Market

Enjoy affordable Neighborhood online auction market for various kinds of valuables.